Animation: Work Bitch

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of working with Cy and Stacy on a stop motion animation piece.

We brainstormed for a while, spitting out random ideas and things that inspire us. After some time, we found this stop motion video made with post-its to be an idea we can explore on.

Before starting to shoot, we created a rough storyboard to have a general idea of what the piece is going to be. But we specifically leave room for improvisation, because we wanted the piece to reflect our personality.

Post-its used for the shot

After doing a rough storyboard, we started shooting right away. We shot the piece using a Canon 5D MK IV, attached to a laptop running Dragonframe, a stop motion capture and editing software.

After the shoot was wrapped, we edited the video using Adobe Premiere Pro. We added sound effects to make the video more alive. The sound effects were a mix of sounds from and our own recorded voices that we distorted to add a comical element.

Finally, the final piece is done and can be viewed below. I hope you find this interesting!

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